Keen sail trim concentration from Don Gillies on Black Pepper -(click photo to enlarge)
Martin Yuill on Pondskater issues instructions to his crew
Commodore Seamus exhibits steely determination on Emma Louise
The female crew of OOTB get into action
As the fleet, in the very light breeze, slowly drew closer to the first mark, the separation between boats decreased leading to an interesting mark rounding.
We're not sure what the human spinnaker pole on Emma Louise is attempting to do here (illegally) but there is clearly very little space between Emma, the mark and Aquaholic. It is impossible to judge from this viewpoint whether or not Seamus has an inside overlap but from his account he called for room, did not receive sufficient and had his boom touch the mark. This resulted in the almost unprecedented ( in recent years at least) call of Protest which, in the best spirit of the club, Tom accepted and duly performed his turns shortly thereafter. We heard later that those on Out of the Blue were concerned that Aquaholic had rudder failure but presumably they were just winding up their novice crew.
All in all it was a good day's sailing in a mix of conditions and lacking only a bit of sunshine. This was the first event for some time in which there was no Class 1 spinnaker entry - due to crew shortages.
After some on-board whistle-wetting, recovery and general drying-off, the party gathered in the 'Marquee' which, along with a good supply of fizz, had been arranged by the Commodore in order to promote social interaction. Despite the almost continuous downpour this proved a success and thereafter all 33 or so members and guests proceeded on to the Starfish for the event meal during which the race results were presented and Tom Hutchinson appointed Vice Commodore.
Overnight the rain battered incessantly and continued into the morning by which time, especially in view of the F5/6 southerly forecast, there was little enthusiasm among the Ladies for their race. The cunning suggestion was then mooted and immediately accepted that the Ladies' Race be postponed until the Portavadie Muster on 14/15th June.
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