Five boats turned up
for the race from Rothesay to Portavadie. Aquaholic kindly acted
as start boat and as such started off five minutes after everybody else.
This meant that the
race up the East Kyle was a very friendly race with everybody vying for
position However it was a bit of a lottery with first one side then the other
looking favourable, however the boats who sailed mid channel in the East Kyle
faired best.
As the winds were very
light, Out Of the Blue drifted with the tide onto the Ardyne Buoy, requiring a
penalty 360 turn. Camus Bosta also struggled with lack of wind and tide at this
buoy and they retired. As Aquaholic disappeared into the distance, Black Pepper
and Silver Jack crept on ahead of Out of the Blue. However holding to mid
channel Stewart caught up with the help of tide and a little wind, as BP and SJ
both got becalmed inshore.
A misunderstanding of
a radio message from Tom resulted in OOTB thinking that the race had been
shortened to the Rubha Bhodach, the Green Buoy at Colintraive and transmitting the message to those behind who did
not have the race channel on their radios. It was therefore with some surprise
that as Black Pepper and OOTB were rafted up in Wreck Bay having lunch, they
heard race officer Tom radioing in that
the race would finish at Tignabruach. Oops.
However honour was
restored when Tom split the race into two classes. Class one which ended at
Tighnabruach and class two which ended at Colintraive.
Class One
1. Aquaholic
time 1 hour and 14 minutes
Class Two
1.Black Pepper
corrected time
1 hour and 37 minutes.
2.Out of the Blue
corrected time 1 hour and
41 minutes
3. Silver Jack
corrected time
1 hour and 47 minutes.
18 people joined
the Aquaholic crew for a delicious spread of drinks and nibbles followed by a
lovely meal in the marina restaurant. Many thanks to Tom and Caroline and their
helpful neighbours for preparing such a delicious spread. After the meal Stewart gave his famous lecture on how to balance a wine bottle on the edge of a table.