Message from the Commodore Tom Hutchinson
Ormidale Barbecue The 2024 Ormidale BBQ took place on Saturday the 3rd of August. Even the most optimistic would not have anticipated the rain stopping, the wind dropping and the sun coming out as the BBQ was being prepared on the beach. That however is exactly what happened.
Seven members were in attendance with a further four locals joining the group for a most splendid evening of food, wine and good company. Thanks to Don and Marje Gillies for once again hosting the Commodore on Black Pepper, and a special thanks to our Master Chef Don for cooking the food on the BBQ. It would be remiss of me not to also mention Caroline, Norena and Marje who organised the food and also to acknowledge our Secretary Graham for his amazing ability to rescue our camp fire which, in my hands had been smouldering without a sign of a flame for a considerable time.