1. The club shall be called the Serpent Yacht Club.
2. The Club flags shall be the Red Ensign and a red burgee with the Serpent of Healing.
3. The object of the Club shall be to further the sport of yachting in its widest sense, particularly amongst persons whose occupation pertains to the health care professions.
4. Ordinary Membership of the Club shall be open to persons whose occupation is, or was prior to their retiral, connected closely with the health care professions, to such members spouses and to previous cadet members. Cadet membership shall be open to persons under the age of 18 years, one or both of whose parents are members of the Club. Cadet Members shall not acquire any interest in the property or funds of the Club, and shall not be entitled to take part in the management of the Club or to vote at General Meetings. The committee may admit as Honorary Members any persons who have rendered distinguished service to the Club or to the sports of yachting or boating. Honorary Members shall not acquire any interest in the property or funds of the Club or to vote at General Meetings. Any member admitted as an Honorary Member who was immediately prior to their admission as such, an Ordinary Member of the Club, shall not thereby forfeit their existing rights and interests.
The Committee may admit as Associate Members any persons who have sailed on a full
member’s boat for 5 years, or supplied other services to the club which, in the opinion of the
Committee, qualifies them as an Associate Member. They shall pay a single member’s fee.
Associate Members may not propose new members or vote on changes to the constitution;
otherwise they have all the rights of a full member and may hold executive office.”
The Committee may admit as Associate Members any persons who have sailed on a full
member’s boat for 5 years, or supplied other services to the club which, in the opinion of the
Committee, qualifies them as an Associate Member. They shall pay a single member’s fee.
Associate Members may not propose new members or vote on changes to the constitution;
otherwise they have all the rights of a full member and may hold executive office.”
5. Every candidate for admission to the Club shall be proposed by an Ordinary Member and seconded by another Ordinary Member. Each proposal shall be submitted to the Honorary Secretary on the proposal form obtainable from the Club Website and must be completed and signed by both the proposer
6. The election of candidates to membership is vested in the Committee and shall be ratified by simple majority at any Committee Meeting.
7. The Club affairs shall be managed by a Committee which shall consist of up to five elected Stewards and the following officers: Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Sailing Secretary. Six of the above shall form a quorum for Committee Meetings. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt up to two other Stewards. An auditor shall be appointed annually. Committee decisions can be made through electronic communications
8. Election for each office shall be at the Annual General Meeting. Nominations of willing candidates, duly proposed and seconded, must be in the hands of the Honorary Secretary 24 hours before the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall have the power to fill a casual vacancy on the Committee until the next Annual General Meeting.
9. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in February of each year on such a day and at such place and hour as the committee may appoint. Notice of General Meetings shall be sent by the Honorary Secretary not less than 14 days before such meetings. The Honorary Secretary shall summon a General Meeting upon receiving instructions to that effect from the Committee or upon a requisition signed by no less than seven members. The requisition shall state the object of the proposed General Meeting. Such General Meeting shall be held within 28 days after the receipt by the Honorary Secretary of such instructions or requisitions. At all General Meetings, fifteen Members or 10% of the full Ordinary Membership, whichever is the lesser, shall form a quorum.
10. The Senior Flag Officer of the Club present shall take the chair at all meetings of the Club. Should no Flag Officer be present, the meeting shall appoint a Chairman. The Chairman of any meeting of the Club or of any of its Committees shall have a deliberative, and a casting vote, in case of equality.
11. Annual Subscriptions and Entry Fees shall be decided by the Committee and all subscriptions are due on the first of February each year. Any member who has not paid the subscription after one reminder, before the end of March, will be deemed to have resigned.
12. No member shall take part in any proceedings of the Club or enter a yacht or compete for a prize unless the current subscription and any arrears or other monies that may be due by that member have been paid to the Club.
13. A member may resign from membership by giving notice to the Honorary Secretary in writing to that effect at least 14 days before 1st February in any year.
14. The Honorary Treasurer shall keep a cash book containing a correct amount of all monies received and dispersed on behalf of the Club. These accounts shall be audited annually. The financial year shall run from 1st January to 31st December.
15. The Honorary Secretary shall keep a minute book of the proceedings of the Club.
16. Appropriate details of all yachts belonging to members of the Club shall be registered in a book to be kept by the Honorary Secretary for that purpose. Owners shall notify the Honorary Secretary of any change of these particulars.
17. The Committee shall have the power to reprimand, suspend, demote or expel any member who may infringe any of the Rules or Regulations of the Club or whose conduct in or out of the Club may in their opinion be injurious to the character or interests of the Club. Any member complained against under this rule shall be given notice in writing of the complaint made and shall be given the opportunity to appear before the Committee and provide an explanation. For the purposes of this rule, six members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum and two-thirds of those present must be in favour of any decision to reprimand, suspend, demote or expel the member. Any member dealt with under this rule may give notice of appeal within 28 days to the Honorary Secretary. Such appeal shall be heard at a General Meeting which shall be held within 28 days of the receipt by the Honorary Secretary of the notice of appeal. At such General Meetings, a decision of two-third of the members voting shall be final. Any member expelled under this rule shall forfeit all rights and interests in the Club and its property and funds.
18. These rules may be added to, repealed or amended by Resolution at any General Meeting after prior notice to the Honorary Secretary. The proposed alterations shall not be passed unless there is a majority of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting at the Meeting at which the Resolution concerning the rule is considered.
19. All Regattas organised by the Club will be sailed under RYA, IYRU or RORC rules or modified versions thereof. The Sailing Instructions shall state clearly which rules apply and any modifications thereto.
20. The club is a non profit making organisation. All profits and surpluses will be used to maintain the Club's facilities. No profits or surpluses will be distributed.