
The Serpent Photo Contest 2021

Votes are now counted and the winner will be revealed at the Zoom AGM on Wednesday 9th February.  

A good varied bunch of entries has now been received for the photo contest for 2021 which once again, owing to the lack of the Annual Dinner is being held online.   The theme was  'By The Sea' and all entries qualify as the sea is present in them all.  Here they are with titles but the photographer is unattributed - those to be revealed after votes have been counted.  They are of a good standard so please everyone take the time to send in a vote to Graham Gillies 

Remember to click on the photo to appreciate it at full size

No .1   'Not Found His Sea Legs'  - Trevor Watson


 No.2     'Isle of Skye'  Marian Borde


No.3      'A beautiful sunset from anchor in Loch Spelve' - Caroline Hutchinson


No. 4     ‘I wandered lonely…”  Robert Yule

No.5     'A Serpent day on Loch Fyne'- Charles Sutherland

No.6    ‘Chilling near the dock of the bay’  Seamus Lalor

No.7    'Room with a view - Camping on Inchmarnock.'   Jane Hinshalwood

No. 8     ’Racing from Tarbert’  Graham Gillies


No.9    ‘At anchor in Wizard Pool’ - Gavin Kenny