



Message from the Commodore     Tom Hutchinson


The planned Cruise in Company to Ballycastle before the Craobh Muster was cancelled due to winds gusting force 6 & 7 featuring for much of the week beginning 8th June. Only Silverjack, crewed by Graham, Ian Thomson and David Dorward ventured round the Mull of Kintyre and made a valiant effort to join the Craobh event.

Don and Marje Gillies were, at this time, storm bound on Black Pepper in Ormidale, however all was not lost and they travelled by car to Craobh where they joined the Aquaholic team which included Norena McAdam from Adastra.

Joining us in Craobh on their new berth were Catherine and Stewart on Encore with their crew Bill and Lilias also Doug, Alison and Finlay Gray on Shenavall.

By the morning of the 15th the weather had improved significantly and three boats crossed the start line as scheduled for the round Shuna race. The Officers of the day were Don Gillies and the Commodore on Aquaholic. This was the first time the Toy team had raced their new boat which will, I am sure, feature in many more club events. The course set was an anti-clockwise circumnavigation of the island of Shuna.

The results are as follows: -

1st Silverjack    2nd Encore   3rd Shenavall

While we were enjoying ourselves on the water, the shore team were preparing food for the evening BBQ. This consisted of Caroline, Marje and Norena who were joined by Catherine following the race. The barbecue was once again held in the marina boatshed where seventeen people attended and enjoyed a fabulous evening with good food, music and company. I was particularly pleased to welcome new members Luke and Marta Newman to their first club event. They berth their Rustler 36 at Ardfern. As usual a big thank you is due to the Craobh Marina staff who provided the barbeque and boatshed and to the Serpent ladies who did so much to make the evening a success.

On the Sunday morning, Silverjack and Aquaholic with the additional crew of Don, Marje and Norena headed to Loch Spelve for the mussel feast. The weather was interesting to say the least and we were all very grateful to Inverlussa Mussels not only for providing the venue and mussels, but especially for allowing us to use their moorings in the blustery overnight conditions.

Eight members enjoyed a wonderful evening of good food and chat. The event was not without incident when the Commodore lost the propeller of their dinghy outboard. Needless to say, I am now a lot fitter than before thanks to all the rowing I’ve been doing. During the evening, we met a French couple sailing a beautiful sixty five-foot steel ketch called Milagro  which we were invited on board the following morning. Lauriane is a qualified Naval mechanic and is currently studying for her PHD while Damien carries out the routine maintenance including tuning the rig of this monstrous yacht. Damien has a most impressive sailing C.V. which includes racing Figaro yachts single handed in trans ocean events, I will never again complain about being short of crew when people like this team sail around Europe and the higher latitudes two up in a 65-foot, 45-ton yacht.

On the Monday morning Silverjack with Don and Marje on board headed for Oban while Aquaholic headed north to continue cruising.

I’m sure all who attended will agree that this was a wonderful event despite the somewhat blustery weather.



Encore edging past Silverjack in the sound of Shuna    GG  


Shenavall moving well in the light airs   GG 


 Some participants at the Spelve Mussel Feast      David Dorward



The 65 ft Steel ketch ‘Milagro’ we were treated to a tour of    David Dorward


Message from the Secretary     Graham Gillies



Serpent Summer Barbecue The next Serpent event will be the Summer barbecue at Ormidale on Loch Riddon On Saturday 3rd August. This is a relaxed and informal social occasion. There is no charge or provision by the Club for this event. Attendees require to bring their own barbecue, food and drink. There is no need to contact me if you are joining us, but it is helpful if you let me know by email a couple of days before if you intend to come. It’s a good opportunity to socialise and meet other members.


Crew Register I asked if any members were interested in crewing opportunities within the club. Luke Newman replied saying that he would like to be added. He has a Day Skipper qualification but would like to gain more experience. He lives in Perthshire, but keeps their boat at Ardfern so, in principle, he says he would be available on either coast. He can be contacted through myself at gwagillies@gmail.com





Diary of Events for 2024  


Ormidale Barbecue – Saturday 3 August Our informal barbecue in the evening at Ormidale, Loch Riddon is a BYO BBBB event. Bring your own Boat, Barbecue, Bangers and Bottle. It is a relaxed and fun evening in good company. No booking required.


Autumn Muster – Largs – Saturday 14th September – There will be a race starting and finishing at Largs. Most participants will be dining at Scott’s restaurant in the evening.


Annual Dinner   Saturday 7th December at the Glasgow Art Club 




    Another settled sunset for the 2024 Craobh Muster   GG


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