A Message from the Commodore (newsletter Jan-Feb 2013)
Happy New Year
I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year.
The last time we were together was for the Annual Dinner and Prize Giving at the Bythswood Hotel, a very enjoyable dinner, where we raised the healthy sum of £745 for Pancreatic Cancer Scotland.
Our next event is the AGM which has been arranged for Tuesday 12th Feb in Seminar Room B, City of Glasgow College, 60 North Hanover Street, Glasgow (formerly the College of Building and Printing)
Steve Pickles, one of our club member is going to talk about his experience of taking part in the ARC (the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers), so I hope you will all manage to come. Tea and Biscuits will be provided.
I look forward to seeing you all at the AGM and wish you all the best for 2013.
Catherine Toy
Annual General Meeting – Tuesday 12 February 2013
Our next event is the AGM on Tuesday 12th February 2013. We are using a new city centre venue, close to Queen Street Station. The AGM will be held in City of Glasgow College, Glasgow (formerly the College of Building and Printing). If you are interested in becoming involved in running the club's please speak to Catherine Toy before the AGM.
Tea and Biscuits will be served from 7pm with the AGM starting at 7.30pm and finishing before 9pm.
Steve Pickles, one of our club members (master of the summer barbeque) is going to talk about his experience of taking part in the ARC (the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers) after the formal business.
We hope to see you there - if you are unable to attend please submit apologies to Roisin Harris - mrsrharris1@gmail.com - 07732018204.
Seminar Room B - on the First Floor
City of Glasgow College
City Campus North Hanover Street (formerly College of Building &Printing)
60 North Hanover Street
Glasgow, G1 2BP
The Tower building is just across the road from the east side entrance to Queen Street station. Nearest public parking - Buchanan Galleries
The programme for 2013 is as follows:
Annual General Meeting Tuesday 12 February 2013
Spring Muster 18th/19th May 2013 - Race Kip to Tarbert
Pursuit Race 15th/16th June 2013 – Race / Cruise to Portavadie
Summer Muster 20th/21st July 2013 - Craobh BBQ & Round Shuna Race
Autumn Muster 7th/8th September 2013 – Race / Cruise to Rothesay
Frostbite Race Saturday 26th 2013 October - Race Round Cumbrae
Annual Dinner Friday 6th December 2013 - Blythswood Square Hotel
Start Boats
We would like to thank all the members who agreed to start races during 2012, we simply could not have run the events without you. We will be seeking volunteers to start races 2013. Full instructions and training will be provided if you have never done this before. If you are also participating in the races you will receive an appropriate time correction. Please speak to Paul Harris - 07732111410 if you are interested.
New members
Roisin Harris is delighted to report that she recently sent out a few membership application forms. Prof Neil Spurway (our speaker at the annual dinner) and his wife have recently submitted an application and we look forward to welcoming them to the club. The Committee is keen to increase club membership and to also encourage all members to participate in the various events throughout the year. If you know anyone who would like to join the Club please contact Roisin - mrsrharris1@gmail.com 07732018204.
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