
Spring Muster and Tarbert Race

It seems a long time now since the opening muster at Tarbert at which numbers were somewhat down with just four boats and 15 persons. It was a good party though with a sociable reception in the marquee followed by the meal in the Starfish which was well up to the expected standard. The race however didn’t amount to much with only Silverjack and Lollypop turning  up to a completely windless Rothesay Bay. Onwards we motored until around the Carry Buoy, race officer Don Gillies on Black Pepper suggested that we attempt a start, which we did. Such was the intensity of the concentration on board Lollypop that the helmsman (me) made an idiotic and near catastrophic error about which the less said the better although Marcus deserves great credit for saving a very difficult situation. That led to the abandonment of the race but thankfully it all turned out ok in the end.  There are a couple of pictures showing members on board Black Pepper but I hesitate to show them here.

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