The AGM was held on Zoom on 9th February 2022 with 17 participants over Zoom. Retiring Commodore Graham Gillies gave a comprehensive account of the events of 2021. The financial report was undramatic and accepted without query. The election of the new committee was formalised as published without dissent and is as follows:
Commodore - Charles Sutherland
Rear Commodore - Tom Hutchinson
Secretary - Graham Gillies
Treasurer & Minute Secretary - Caroline Hutchinson
Race Secretary - Charles Sutherland
Membership Secretary - Marian Borde
Cup Convenor - Don Gillies
Stewards - Catherine Toy, Marcus Stone, Stewart Toy.
Marie McDougall then presented the club with a new carved trophy in memory of the late and much missed Neil McDougall. It has a distinct advantage in that it will not require polishing. The conditions for its being awarded are still to be defined.
Following that the winner of the Photo Contest was announced - being Robert Yuill. Thereafter the trophies for the 2021 races were presented virtually - having been distributed in advance. Retiring Commodore Graham presented the new Commodore with his pennant and the retiring commodore's pennant was handed over to Graham.
Charles Sutherland then thanked Graham for his work as Commodore and went on to outline a few of the proposals for the 2022 season. The meeting then closed with Zoom left open for a period of informal chat
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