A Message from the Commodore
Despite the relentless weather, progress is at last being made with a viewto launching ‘Emma Louise’ in good time for the Opening Muster, which will take place on 16th and 17th of May. We traditionally have an excellent turnout for the Opening Muster so please do come along whether you are cruising, racing or simply meeting up by car. See the attached document for the entry form and sailing instructions. Below are the dates for this season’s Serpent events so please ‘save the dates’.
The Club’s annual AGM on 13 February was very successful and we now have a full new Committee keen to get on with running events, promoting the club over the coming season and preparing for our 40th anniversary in 2016. Graham Gillies has taken over from Roisin Harris as our new Secretary and he has attached a full minute of the AGM for Members information. My grateful thanks are due to Roisin for carrying out her duties as Secretary to the Club over the last 3 years.
I look forward to the new season and meeting up again but if you have any questions or comments about the club, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our new Committee or myself.
Séamus Lalor - Commodore
The SYC committee appointed at the AGM for 2015 is as follows
Commodore Séamus Lalor
Past Commodore Catherine Toy
Vice Commodore Stewart Toy
Rear Commodore Tom Hutchinson
Hon Secretary Graham Gillies gwagilliesATgmail.com
Hon Treasurer Martin Yuill
Race Secretary Charles Sutherland cggsATdsl.pipex.com
Stewards Steve Pickles, Marcus Stone, Don Gillies
From the Sailing Secretary:
We are going to continue to operate just one start to accommodate all classes with a simple system of two flags on poles, deck brushes what have you on the 5-4-1-go sequence. We want to emphasise the importance of keeping a listening watch on VHF ch37/M1 for race announcements and course amendments and also the absolute necessity of taking all race timings from GPS time. Timings taken from manually set watches or clocks will not be accepted. Just make sure you don’t make the classic error of not having read and understood the race instructions before the event. We are really looking forward to a good season with racing which is as friendly and convivial as always in the best spirit of the Serpent YC.
Spring muster
The organisation of the Spring Muster at Tarbert is well underway. The option is to race or cruise from Kip to Tarbert on the Saturday followed by a ladies race on the Sunday back to Kames -see the attachment with Race Instructions and Entry Form.
Please remember that posting your entry on the Thursday before the event is no use. The sailing secretary will not be opening mail on the morning of the event!
The start will be off Kip at 1000hrs on the Saturday morning. Please return your entry forms to Charles Sutherland by Saturday 9th May 2014. The race entry fee is £20 for the weekend. Later entries may be accepted but a £5 penalty will be applied.
Discounted spaces are reserved on the pontoons at Tarbert for Saturday evening. Let the harbourmaster know you are with the Serpent YC. All fees for berthing are to be paid directly to the Harbourmaster. The evening meal once again will be in the excellent Starfish restaurant at 1930 hrs at a cost of £30/person.
New members
Again we have gained several new members in the past year and we look forward to welcoming them at club events. The Committee is keen to increase club membership and also to encourage all members to participate in the various events throughout the year. If you know anyone who would like to join the Club please contact Dr Graham Gillies gwagilliesATgmail.com
Serpent Facebook Page
Thanks to Marcus’s endeavours there is now a Serpent Yacht Club page on Facebook for those members active in social media. Contributions are very welcome.
Serpent Membership List
Martin Yuill is completing the onerous task of updating the Membership list which incorporates yacht names, sail numbers,handicaps and contact details. We understand that this is compliant with the Data Protection Act. It will be circulated it to all members soon.
If any of your details change please let Martin know by emailing the club: serpentyachtclub AT gmail.com where @ is substituted for AT
SYC web site:
This website or blog as it is more accurately termed is for the use of all members to share sailing experiences. photos and what have you. We hope it will be useful to disseminate reminiscences and old photographs for the Serpent 40th anniversary next year. More to come on that but meantime start digging out that old stuff and email anything remotely interesting to the club address please.
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