
A Message from the Commodore
During the Christmas and New Year period, we have had another severe, and this time earlier, winter which amongst all the disruptions of frozen pipes, treacherous roads and traffic chaos, forced us to cancel the Club Dinner and Prize Giving, an unprecedented event in the club’s history.
This was not an easy decision to take and I apologise for any inconvenience caused but in the light of so many cancellations it became obvious that it would not be viable to run the dinner. As a result any cheques that were sent to me to pay for tickets have now been shredded and will not be presented to the bank.
Although we considered re-arranging the Dinner at a later date in January, this proved to be impossible to organise.
However to allow those of you who were successful in the races to adorn your sideboards with silverware, we have decided this year to amalgamate the Prize Giving within the AGM and this combined event will be held at The Golden Jubilee Hospital on Monday 21st February.
I hope you will be able to attend and I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the AGM and Prize Giving.
Tom Barrie

Annual General Meeting - 21st February 2011
The Annual General Meeting of the Serpent Yacht Club will be held on Monday 21st February 2011 in the Board Room at the Golden Jubilee Hospital, Beardmore Street, Clydebank.
A buffet supper will be served at 7pm with the AGM starting at 7.30pm.
The 2010 Prize Giving and Annual Photographic Competition will follow the AGM.

Annual Subscriptions
Your annual subscription is now due, so if you haven’t already paid by standing order could you please forward your cheque to:-
Val Glen, Treasurer, 9 Abercromby Pl, Stirling, FK8 2QP
Subscriptions have been held at £10 for single membership, £15 for joint /family membership. Cheques should be made payable to “The Serpent Yacht Club”.

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