
The new website
One of the aims of setting up the new Serpent Yacht Club website as a blog was to increase the possibility of interactivity. At present, the committee members are the only people who have the passwords to log in and post an actual article or place photos but at the end of every posting there is a line which says "Posted by Serpent Yacht Club at xx.yy time. 0 Comments ".
If you click on the '0 Comments' it opens a dialog box where you can place your own comments be they interesting, grateful, witty or just plain scurrilous.  Serpent members are thus encourged to use this facility. Unfortunately you cannot add photos via the comments box but we may try to start an open photo repository elsewhere.  


  1. great new web site, thigs are getting better.
    can you forward an application form as I have a potential new member.


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