on 19th June was a great success. A more detailed report may follow later but we had some excellent weather with a fine sailing breeze building for a brisk beat up Loch Fyne to Portavadie. There was a good attendance for the Pimms party held by the Toys on OOTB with some additional supercharging with de genuine Caribbean rum punch. Thereafter we repaired to the Portavadie restaurant for an excellent meal. There was general agreement that Portavadie is a potential future destination for the Club

New Arrivals
The club congratulates Roisin and Paul Harris on the arrival of their twins Arthur and Bridget. It remains to be seen how long it will be before all four are out sailing on Tanit.
Another arrival, also involving four legs and occuring the night of the Portavadie outing was the long awaited foal of Molly, belonging to Catherine Toy who naturally had to rush home without delay on the Sunday morning. Mother and daughter are shown below.

all photos by David Toy
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